A classic steak sandwich

Marinated minute steaks (generally two per person)
Caramelised onions
Murray River salt
One ciabatta roll per person
Cooking the steak
Using a charcoal chimney, light the coals for the BBQ. Half an hour of heating makes sure these are white hot.
About thirty minutes before you intend to cook, take the steaks out of the fridge.
As the steaks take a short amount of time to cook, prepare all the other ingredients ready to assemble the sandwich.
Slice thin pieces of the Quickes cheddar cheese, open up the ciabatta rolls and toast them ready for assembling.
Empty the charcoal chimney of coals into one half of the base of the BBQ, preheating it to approx. 180C. Make sure the coals are mounded up appropriately.
Sear the minute steaks for 1-2 minutes per side over the direct heat of the BBQ.
The steaks will be ready when properly caramelised on both sides.
Assembling the sandwich
Rest the steaks for 5 minutes while the rest of the sandwich is prepared.
Spread the base of the ciabatta roll with a generous amount of mustard then layer the roll with zuni pickle. Spread a generous amount of the caramelised onion on the top of the roll.
Slice the rested minute steaks into strips and season with salt and pepper.
Place pieces of the steak into the roll then top with the cheddar slices and salad leaves.
Put the top of the roll onto the sandwich, making sure to press down firmly before slicing.
Enjoy immediately with a glass of Gamay.
While we prefer to grill over charcoal, this method can easily be transferred to a gas BBQ or a cast iron frying pan. The key here is to make sure the steaks are cooked quickly and rested appropriately, ensuring tenderness.