Julie and Sandy Cameron grew up on farms and always wanted to be farmers. In 1991, traditional farming was in turmoil with the price of wool and farming commodities becoming uncertain. To survive on the land, they needed to be innovative by adding value to their farm produce. They started milking sheep, then goats. They produced cheeses and yoghurt from the milk under the banner of Meredith Dairy.
Today, Meredith Dairy is known for producing high quality sheep and goat dairy products from their family farm. Meredith Dairy products can be found all over Australia and proudly exports its products all over the world. The cheese and yoghurts are still made on the farm, from milk from their own animals. Meredith Dairy products have won many accolades and are considered among the highest quality in the world.
Over the years, Meredith Dairy has evolved from being the enterprise that allowed a young couple to obtain a farm on which to raise their family, to a lifelong quest to develop a sustainable farming system. A major element of this ongoing mission is to sustainably manage all goats who are raised at the farm.
Dairy Capretto is a specialty meat processed from milk-raised kid goat, which have been weaned onto grass and fodder. Famed in Italy and traditionally eaten through spring at celebrations, it has a deliciously milk flavour and delicate texture.
The breeds of dairy Capretto are Saanan, Tottenburg and British Alpine. They have a different profile to common meat varieties of goat (Boer), which can have a gamey aroma and a strong taste. This makes Dairy Capretto ideal for roasting, braising and simple cooking techniques.