Beer can chicken

A simple technique in which a seasoned whole chicken stands on a beer can. It provides in the ultimate in savoury, malty flavour and a succulent bird to share at your next BBQ.
Lemon wedges for serving
Preparing the chicken
About an hour before starting to cook the chicken, take the bird out of the fridge
Using a charcoal chimney, light the coals for the BBQ. Half an hour of heating makes sure these are white hot.
While the coals are heating, prepare the chicken. Drizzle a tablespoon of olive oil over the bird, making sure it is evenly coated. Sprinkle one tablespoon of a smoky spice rub over the chicken and massage it into its skin. 4. Crack open a tinnie then drink about a quarter of the beer (this will make sure the chicken doesn’t overflow while it’s being cooked).
Open up the cavity of the chicken then place it on top of the can, pressing the body of the bird directly over the beer can.
Place a heat proof meat thermometer vertically down into the chicken’s breast.
Cooking the chicken
Empty the charcoal chimney of coals into one half of the base of the BBQ, preheating it to approx. 180C.
Place the chicken into the other bottom half of the BBQ then place the BBQ lid on.
Allow the chicken to roast for 35 minutes or until it reaches 70C internal temperature on the thermometer.
Serving the chicken
Once the chicken is cooked, take the chicken out of the BBQ and gently remove the beer can from its cavity.
Allow the chicken to rest on a tray for around 20 minutes then carve it into pieces (our technique for carving a chicken is here).
Serve the chicken pieces on a platter, seasoned with extra sea salt and garnished with lemon wedges.
Troy’s Tip: - Use a couple of thick pieces of kindling to make a wall between the charcoal and where the chicken will be placed in the BBQ. This kindling wall will protect the chicken from being exposed to too much heat. - I like to use a pretty smokey BBQ rub - we love the flavours of smoked paprika, toasted fennel seed and garlic powder. Fancy Hanks does a great one